Palle Business House

We Are Reliable

About Us

Palle Business House

We help investors find suitable industrial lands and get allotted from relevant authorities. We assist entrepreneurs in selecting pharma products and processes that match their vision and goals.
We are NABET accredited for Pharmaceuticals, Mining, and Steel Setors. We are experts in preparing Environmental Impact Assessment reports for Clearances from MoEF &CC New Delhi and SEIAA, Consent to Establishment and Consent to Operate from respective state pollution control boards as well from central Pollution control board. We prepare Onsite Emergency Plans & HARA reports to the industries and prepare industrial building plans. We do environmental audits.


We provide services to below sectors

To Meet the requirements of Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change and State
Environment Impact Assessment Authority, we prepare quality EIA report on behalf of industries.

Environment Impact Assessment

Mining of minerals

Metallurgical industries

Synthetic Organic Chemicals

HARA Report & Safety Document

We prepare the documents within a reasonable time. Our expert team will visit the site and assess the industry activity. Based on their observations, HARA report will be prepared and necessary steps will be suggested in Safety Document.

Consent to Establish

For any industry within the India, we complete the application as per the requirement. We ensure CFE is granted within the reasonable time frame

Environmental audits

We do environmental audits for all type of industries .We suggest steps to meet the safety standards.

Industrial building plans

We prepare building plans .Blue prints for Inspector of Factories acceptance.

For more information about the services send us an Email,

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